

feedTable(tableName: string, items: DynamoDBItemCollection)

Inserts items into the given table.


await feedTable('users', [
    pk: 'USER#123',
    sk: 'USER#123',
    id: '123',
    name: 'John',
    pk: 'USER#456',
    sk: 'USER#456',
    id: '456',
    name: 'Jane',

Note: Under the hood, items are inserted in batches of 25 items. It is recommended to group all your items together into one feedTable call as much as possible for performance.

feedTables(items: { [tableName: string]: DynamoDBItemCollection })

Feeds several tables with the given data.

The items parameter is an object of which the keys represent table names, and the values a DynamoDBItemCollection.

await feedTables({
  // insert into the users table
  users: [
      id: '123',
      name: 'John',
      id: '456',
      name: 'Jane',
  // insert into the orders table
  orders: [
      id: '1',
      total: 123,
      id: '2',
      total: 456,

Note: Under the hood, items are inserted in batches of 25 items. It is recommended to group all your items together into one feedTables call as much as possible for performance.

truncateTable(tableName: string, keys?: string[])

Deletes all the items from a table. It is useful for cleaning up data between tests.

keys represent the primary key (Partition Key and, optionally, the Sort Key). If not passed, sls-jest will try to infer it from the table description.


await truncateTable('users');


For TypeScript users, some types are also exported for your convenience.


Represents a single DynamoDB item, represented as a plain JS object.


const item: DynamoDBItem = {
  pk: 'USER#123',
  sk: 'USER#123',
  id: '123',
  name: 'John',


Represents a collection of DynamoDBItem. It can be:

  • An array of DynamoDBItem (DynamoDBItem[])


const users: DynamoDBItemCollection = [
    pk: 'USER#123',
    sk: 'USER#123',
    id: '123',
    name: 'John',
    pk: 'USER#456',
    sk: 'USER#456',
    id: '456',
    name: 'Jane',

await feedTable('data', users);
  • A dictionary of DynamoDBItem or DynamoDBItem[]

The key has no meaning and no impact on how the data that is actually stored in the table, but it can be useful for readability and/or to access items later easily.


const data: DynamoDBItemCollection = {
  user: {
    pk: 'USER#123',
    sk: 'USER#123',
    id: '123',
    name: 'John',
  orders: [
      pk: 'USER#123',
      sk: 'ORDER#1',
      total: 123,
      pk: 'USER#123',
      sk: 'ORDER#2',
      total: 123,

await feedTable('data', data);

// get orders for the user
const orders = await getOrders(data.user.id);

Last updated