Core Concepts

Helper functions

sls-jest comes with a set of helper functions which represent AWS resources (e.g. dynamoDbItem(), s3Object()). They are used in combination with matchers in order to perform assertions. They serve several purposes:

  • Validation

Jest technically allows any value in the expect() function, but all values can't be used with all matchers (e.g. expect(123).toExist() does not make sense). sls-jest uses those helper functions in order to check whether a matcher can be used with the input value you are passing. If they are not compatible, an error will be thrown.

Basic validation is also done on the values that are passed in the helper functions. e.g. with dynamodbItem(), the tableName and key attributes are required.

  • Reuseability

Some matchers can be used with several resources. e.g. You can do expect(dynamodbItem(...)).toExist(); or expect(s3Object(...)).toExist();.

sls-jest uses those helpers to keep track of what you are intending to test and use the appropriate logic internally.

  • First-class TypeScript support

You will get intellisense support for valid expect and matchers input values, and only matchers that are compatible with the specified helper will be allowed.

  • Readability

Thanks to those helpers, code becomes much easier to read and more natural-language.

e.g. expect(dynamodbItem(...)).toExist();


Spies work similarly to Jest Function Spies. They let you spy on a some serverless resources such as an EventBridge bus.

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